All versions of Craft Measure follow my general privacy philosophy:
- No information that identifies a specific device, person, or network address is ever collected
by the application.
- All information collected is used solely for the purpose of improving the product. It is not used
to send you ads or sales pitches.
- Information about serious product errors may be collected. Read details for each version.
- Counts may be collected for how many users are making use of various features. Read details for each version.
- This page is provided so that Craft Measure is transparent about
its data collection behavior.
- You can read this page to learn of Craft Measure's privacy policy in advance of buying or using it.
Version 1.0
Craft Measure 1.0 has a privacy policy indirectly reachable via the information icon (the icon that looks like a question mark)
or directly reachable via a menu item
in the application bar. Crash reporting is enabled by default but you can disable (or re-enable)
at will. Feature usage reporting is disabled by default but you can enable (or re-disable) at will.
In other words, the crash reporting policy is opt-out and the feature usage reporting is opt-in.
If you have not disabled feature usage collection, Craft Measure 1.0 will report:
- The count of visits to each page in the application.
- The count of times the application was started up in a sizing mode (US vs UK vs Japanese vs generic metic) plus
how often you switch between needle and hook sizing modes.
- The highest disk and memory usages noted by the application during one of its periodic
internal checks.
- The manufacturer, model, etc. of the phone used to run our application. I keep a count
of the number of types of devices using our application.
Note: When a usage report it received, all data is used to increment counts that
sum up the usage over all users. For example, if your phone sends a usage report saying you
visited the main screen 12 times and other users' phones have reported that they visited
that screen 182 times, I only see a report that the main screen was visited a grand total
of 194 times. That fact that you contributed 12 of those visits is not recorded and is not
visible to me.
If you have not disabled crashed reporting:
- Whenever Craft Measure 1.0 detects that it is crashing,
it tries to log a bug report with the time, crash location, and type of phone. It
will authomatically upload the incident report.
You can opt-out of the monitoring of normal usage and continue opting-in to crash reporting -- or
vice versa.
Craft Measure 1.1
Craft Measure has a privacy policy indirectly reachable via the information icon
(the icon that looks like a question mark) or directly reachable via a menu item
in the application bar.
Craft Measure 1.1 keeps a record internally of what you have done recently but only discloses
the recorded data if it is needed to generate a bug report.
Bug reports are created in only two circumstances:
- Craft Measure detects that it is crashing.
- You click on the application menu item to report a bug. You
will be prompted to supply a description of what prompted you to create the report.
Whenever you manually create a bug report or when you start Craft Measure
and Craft Measure finds a not-yet-uploaded bug report, it will recommend that
you send the report. You can choose to send the report, discard the report, or decide later.
If you choose to send the report, you will be given the chance to view and edit the
report before the
report is actually sent. If you see any information in the bug report that you feel
is private, you can edit it out.
I use the bug reports to learn that Weave Calculator is behaving badly
and to provide clues to the root cause of the bug.
I use the other information to guide my priorities. If I know certain features are being
used a lot, I'll put a lot more effort into making sure that they work well. I'm also more likely
to put a larger fraction of my efforts into adding features and products that I think would
complement the kinds of things I observe you doing with our existing products.
Copyright© 2011-2012 by Canitag(tm) Apps N Crafts. Copyright© 2013-2016 J. L. Edighoffer. All rights reserved.
Privacy notice: Website Policy